Art and Craft room

Art and Craft room

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Indian Day celebration

The kids had a blast celebrating the indian day!!!!!!

Indian Day (also known as Native Day; in Portuguese known as Dia do Índio), was created by the President Getulio Vargas by a decree law in 1943, and recalls the day (April 19) in 1940, in which several indigenous leaderships of the Americas decided to attend the First Inter-American Indian Congress, held in Mexico.[1]
Map of indigenous reserves in Brazil.
Nowadays most part of the cities does not celebrate the date, however it is very common for schoolchildren across Brazil to dress up like Natives and visit Museums to learn more about the first Brazilians.[2] It is common to see celebrations in states with relatively huge indigenous population, such as Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Goiás, Rondônia and Amazonas


  1. Okay, so cute! How old do you recommend a child to be to go to day care in Burlington?

  2. Dressing up as the generic "indian" and creating paper indian faces, is very, VERY racist. I am not doubting your abilities as a caretaker and I don't doubt that you are a good person with a kind heart, but I have to point out to you that it is VERY wrong to the many native peoples struggle. Even if this comment is not posted on your blog, I will leave you a link to read about this issue. It is very hard for someone to be told that they have done something racist, I know, but the proper thing to do is to give an apology.
